The original Rock and Roll
57 Chevy Radio

Mobile and PC Older players

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Listener Shout-outs and Comments

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February 5
- Hallo. beste gr�sse aus muenchen deutschland. super musik weiter so. gruss. - Frank, Munich.
57 Chevy:  Herzlichen Dank f�r die Gl�ckw�nsche aus dem fernen M�nchen! Solche R�ckmeldungen sind uns Verpflichtung, unbeirrt weiter zu machen.

January 17
- Pardon my English, thank you very much for encouraging your day with musical contributions, greetings from Spain. - charremos.

January 13 - New Year greetings from New Zealand.Having a quiet drink with friends and listening to your great selection of songs.Thank you! - hamziora.

January 9 - Since I own a red 1957 Chevy belair this is the only station to listen to. Thanks for the great tunes. - Barney.
57Chevy : Hey, we will soon be posting a photo gallery page of 57Chevys from listeners.  Keep checking the web site for info, and send us a pic of your wheels!

January 9 - What a treat of a music you give, it's wonderful. - Omer, Israel.

December 22 - your station is great and it brings back a lot of memories!! - rosafulmer.

December 15 - Hi Dan...outstanding play station on 365. The more obscure songs from pre-'64 are great. More of them please. - Bill.

December 11 - have been listening for about an hour & this station f@()ing rocks!!! Jonny Cash & Buddy Holly R always welcome. love your pics !! & Thanx - cassell.

December 3 - Listening to you in Wisconsin. Just discovered you today on i-tunes. Thanks for the great music. Keep it up. - Roger Cook .

November 28 - Great music! Keep it up, and regards from Holland. - Franc Schiet.

November 24 - Just one GREAT station. I Live in Boise Id. and the only one we have is 99.5 in Fruitland Id. Not nearly as great as yours. - grammaidaho.

November 23 - This station brings me the best memories of my life, thanks a lot keep on rolling!!! - rgarcianh.

November 18 - Hello Chevy 57 Radio. Great station, great mix, great music. Thanks for the great effort. - Gearyite.

November 15 - I congratulate myself for finding this station. It brings me everyday those memories of my long gone childhood. Greetings from Mexico City. - Jose.

November 11 - G`day Dan, just a line to say I have discovered your program & am really impressed, "love it Mate!" We grew up with this music, but I did it in a 1960 falcon. Thanks again for the memories. - Ron Herron, Burpengary Queensland, Australia.

November 9 - Great music thanks for all the memories - Ryan

November 9 - Thank You for the great music that your station plays for us that loved to hear the oldies of the 50s and the 60s. - Bovese.

November 5 - Great music, this is the time I enjoy most! High School days. - pamgrice.
57 Chevy: As Chuck Berry says, "Up in the mornin' and out to school!"  Yes, yes.

November 5 - Another night of great music. I am thoroughly enjoying the selection that I have heard tonight. Thanks a million. - hamziora.

October 16 - excellent. - yvona.

October 10 - Thanks so much for the great oldies music. They are just like the 57 Chevy, they never go out of style and get better with time. Keep up the great music. - Greg

October 4 - a big thanks, and keep rocking the oldies.  had to go get some speakers, and update my puter, so I can here all the dynamic music you play. thanks for all the memories, and the good vibrations. - Ruth in Montana.
57 Chevy: Good tip on the speakers.  Gotta have some muscle to do justice to Rock & Roll.

September 28
- Dan, great music as usual, all the best. - sid, cambridge.england

September 12 - The best oldies music!!! Love the station!! - phoenixprotector

September 5 - Hi Dan. Great station. How many tracks do you have on your station and do they play randomly. Played your station most of the weekend! - Rich
57 Chevy: A bit over 1200 tracks at the moment, and more to come as I get time to rip them from old vinyl.  As for the playlist organization, ah, that's our "secret sauce".  Thanks for the shout-out.

September 4 - Great Station - Excellent selection and top quality.  I would liked to have seen the US labels included alongside the record information. - Neville (UK)
57 Chevy: Thanks.  Good idea about the labels.  We have all the info, of course, but the streaming protocol doesn't provide a way to send it.  And hey, I love all the shout-outs from you Brits!

September 2 - Brilliant guys. keep it coming. - Brad in the UK.

September 1 - we are from fremont ,ohio and we listen too your radio all the time we love it - Stephen

August 27 - We have just "found" you and we love you!! We have not sung along with so many tunes for a long time. - Pamela and Michael, England

August 20
- Thank god for you and your station. I've almost given up on
good radio music.keep it going. - LAWRENCELLC

August 17 - Love the music you play keep it up. Great 50 's music in your mix. - Peter

August 11
- Love the music, keep it up!!!!! - true canadian22

August 8 - I listen to this station at work, 8:30am to 5:30 pm. I wish you would play the best 50's oldies while I'm here and not as I'm leaving. -  marilyn
57 Chevy: OK, I'll admit it.  Your boss is paying me off to do that to keep you at work longer.

August 4 - Greetings from Independence, Louisiana..Just found your station & enjoying the tunes tonight !! Take care, - Jeff

August 3 - awesome stuff. will be boomarking this site for sure - unshaven

August 2 - Gosh, ur radio is so cool. I'm only 22 but i was born about 50 years too late... I cant stand nowadays music. Thanks 4 broadcasting this. -  xavem_d
57 Chevy: Makes sense.  Lot of the people who made these records were in their 20s when they did it.

July 19 - hi i am in england uk and so like your station. this is what we so dont have here. could you play teen angel. keep the sounds free -- gary
57Chevy: Mark Dinning - sure, listen for it.

July 17 -  Love your station. I am from the 50's and 60's era. Thank you for such good music. Please keep up the GOOD WORK!! - rfe54
57Chevy: Thanks!

July 14 - I found your station through Live365 and really like it. I was hoping you might be able to identify a song I've been waiting to hear again for many years... The only lines from the song I remember are, "...siempre me, ...siempre me." I hope you can help. I'll keep listening just the same...I like the selections you play. - Jeff
57Chevy: You got me on that one.  Maybe one of our listeners can figure it out.

July 12: Man love them old cars-LOVE Your Golden oldies to It got me throught Vietnam its all right visit the past but don't get stuck there - daddydance1
57Chevy: Thanks - for listening and for your service to the country

July 11: Hi i'm a 22 boy from france, i live near to Paris and let me tell you, your radio is a real oxygen dose, this music has disapeared from here - xavem_d
57Chevy: Thanks!  Good to know there are Rock&Roll fans in the great city of Paris.

July 10: Could you play Love is all around by the troggs Thanks - gg1950
57Chevy: Definitely!  I'll be adding it in the next few days.

July 8: Hi from Sydney, Australia. Denis is my name and I just had to tell you how much I have enjoyed this station tonight.  Sitting here, adjusting the Tremelo and action on my Fender Stratocaster, listening to tracks, a lot of which I havent heard for over 40 years;Who Put The Bomp by Barry Mann and the original version of Anna, Go With Him for example.  And now you're playing She Say by The Diamonds!  Yeah , Yeah!!!   Keep 'em coming. Great way to spend a Friday night. - Denis
57Chevy: Back atcha, and to all the Rock&Roll fans Down Under!

July 7: Listening from Southam UK. Good work - thank you. Best - Ian
57Chevy: Thanks. Good to hear from a land that has produced so much great Rock&Roll.

July 5: Just great darn music! - bobbruin24
57Chevy: Ain't that the truth.

July 2: I am sending you this email just to tell you a very big well done for this great station! I just love these songs even though Im very young - 25 years, but they are great songs that unfortunately nowadays we don't have like these type of music. For my wedding our band is going to play At Last of Etta James. I would be very glad if I might here it someday over this station :) Until then, keep up the good work and take care xxxxxxxxxxxx - Rodianne from Malta
57Chevy: That's very cool!  Best wishes, and I definitely have "At Last" in the rotation.

July 1: Love you guys. I like the music, up until the British invasion. I think the british sound ruined a lot of good rock&roll. Keep up the good work.  - billmoore
57Chevy: Thanks.  There's nothing like the great old Rock&Roll roots tracks.

June 28: keep it up guys i grew up wth the oldies and i will probably die with them. - mike
57Chevy: Keep rockin' to the oldies -- it'll keep you young!

June 22: dig the tunes on this station - kenk257

June 17: Great music----keep it comin'! Got me thinking of all the "Oldies" I love and miss. Ronnie Dove "My Babe" and "Happy Summer Days".  Carl Dobkins Jr. "My Heart is an Open Book" Love, love, love the music!!!!!!!! - cveeck

June 12: Could you play some of the Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazelwood albums. Thank You - Ralph
June 11:
Listening your station on a bar terrace (next to the Olympic Stadium) in Helsinki. Elvis w herartbreak hotel on right now, good stuff. Need some Dylan songs though!
57Chevy: Are you puttin' me on, or didn't you know I also have Bob Dylan Tracks which plays only Dylan songs!

June 7: Hey there Dan ! I've just discovered the worlds most awsome radio station. I'm from South Wales UK - and as a proud 57 Chevy owner I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know I think 57 Chevy Radio is absolutely fantastic - I've had you blasting for 12 hours straight today from my laptop and i can't get enough. I'm 27 and have been raised on a healthy diet of 50's nostalgia thanks to my folks, - and for me it's gotta be rock n roll 24/7 - and thanks to you all at 57 Chevy Radio, that's just the way i got it ! Keep those hit's spinning -  I'll be listening for sure. - Gavin
57Chevy: If two or three listeners who own a 57 Chevy send me pix, I'll setup a special place on the web site for them.  You guys have the greatest taste - in cars and in music!

June 4: Hi, Thanks sooooooooooo much for this music..........LOVE IT!!! :O) - davonport

May 26: love your station. - rustyman58

May 23: Your station is the best. I love oldies and you play the good stuff. What makes it even better is I own a 57 Chevy BelAir two door hard top, is that cool or what? Keep up the good work. - Jim
57Chevy: Excellent! The perfect place to listen to Rock&Roll.

May 15: just found your station on itues think its great all the way from leeds uk. - Richard

May 12: Just logged in to your radio on the web and its very good,Im very into the mid 50s.Loving it big time.LIVING IN BISLEY,IN ENGLAND. - Richard.

May 7: Hey Dan, I wrote a note on the live365 message window to you a little while ago praising 57 chevy radio and just happened to ask if you had any Jimmy Clanton.  Low and behold, two tunes later there was a Jimmy Clanton tune playing.  Now, are we psychic or did you get my message and play that request for me?  The reason I ask is that the "Send" button on the message screen didn't seem to work at all so I assumed you didn't get my little message, and yet the song showed up. Anyway, thanks for the music.  I'm a fan now. - Steve
57Chevy: I guess you didn't know about our "read listener's mind" feature.  Come to think of it, I didn't either!

May 4: Great music. This is exactly the era I want to hear, the early 50's to the end of the 60's. Can you please play more of the early stuff like the , 5 Satins, Flamingo's, Cadillac's, Paradon's, etc. I just love those early Doo Wop & Rythum & Blues. - Bob

May 3: Hello from Switzerland. great music.... - Bruno

May 2: Greetings from Nashua--I enjoy your show at work! As a fellow Detroit transplant, you might like this: Thx!
57Chevy: Thanks, neighbor!

April 30: This station is definitely one of my favorites. - Marsha

April 19: hiya i found your radio station by luck i must say that i am enjoying it very much your doing a fab job . i am listening from england. thanks - joan

April 13: Love this! found it by accident and have turned all my old friends on to it.  You now have at least 20 new listeners in the Boston area. - Carol
57Chevy: That's wicked cool, as we say.

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