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Pipe Organ music 24/7

Organ Magic
An Outpost Radio station

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iTunes stream category classical.

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Just Played
The magic of the pipe organ with music from the baroque to the 21st century.

Organ Magic is a 24/7 internet radio station supported by in-stream ads. Organ Magic began on Live365. Welcome back former Live365 listeners.

Love the music but hate the ads? Become a subscriber and you can listen with no ads ever and only three short id breaks per hour. Subscription includes all stations of the Outpost Radio Network. Learn more.

Technical problems update.
Can't get the station on your internet radio? Check here for help. If you still have other problems, email the DJ and tell us about it.

Check out 57 Chevy Radio, Feel Good Rock, The Acoustic Outpost, and Bob Dylan Tracks, other stations of the Outpost Radio Network.

Outpost Radio Directory
The Acoustic Outpost Bob Dylan Tracks 57 Chevy Radio
Feel Good Rock Love Songs Cafe 57 Chevy Love Songs
Christmas Oldies Radio Organ Magic Michigan Don's Oldies
The Folk Frontier A Taste of Jazz